Coming to Le Manège Enchanté means experiencing group life for the first time through the eyes of a child, and making wonderful discoveries under the watchful eye of professionals.

About Le Manège Enchanté
Le Manège Enchanté isn’t just a day-care center, but a place for exploration, experimentation and socialization. It’s a fun place to develop skills and make discoveries.
We welcome children from the age of 2 ½ up to school entry age, with the possibility of two 2-year-olds per half-day.
Open every morning from 8:00 to 11:45.
We offer a capacity of 15 places per half-day.
We still have places available for the start of the 2024 school year.
Our team will be happy to arrange an appointment with you. It’s a great opportunity to express your expectations and visit our premises.
The educational values of Le Manège Enchanté
Establishing a relationship of trust with families
Welcoming a new child goes hand in hand with welcoming his or her parents: an essential moment for listening and sharing. The understandable worries associated with the first stages of separation can be difficult for the family.
You can, of course, be present with your child for as long as is necessary during the familiarization period. It is fully adaptable to the specific needs of each child and each parent.
Meet children’s emotional, intellectual and physical needs.
Benevolence, respect and empathy are at the heart of our support. Every child is unique and should be able to develop at his or her own pace.
Learning to be and do together
Kindergarten is a privileged place for social learning. We meet new friends. We learn to cooperate with our peers, respect group rules and accept each other’s differences.
Stimulate enthusiasm, curiosity and creativity
To develop skills and make new discoveries while having fun.
Encouraging self-doing
Promoting autonomy and self-confidence. Children learn and build through their experiences. Let children try things out, trust them and support them in their difficulties and successes.
Providing competent support
for a positive preschool experience.
An inclusive welcome
A child with special needs is first and foremost a child among others, for whom respect for his or her dignity means offering genuine equal opportunities. It also means giving them the means to live their lives as children in the community.

In concrete terms
- We sing, we dance, we make wonderful aural and linguistic discoveries with Sandrine’s guitar.
- We tinker, we paint, we model, we cook, we have fun and it doesn’t matter what the result is.
- We build, we break, we rebuild, we stack.
- We tell stories by changing the medium, taking tender breaks for magical journeys into the land of words.
- We play in groups, small groups or individually… play is the ultimate learning tool.
- We’re off to discover the world.
- Or simply rest in a little corner with your comforter, dreaming away.
We try to strike a balance between free play and activities, and between large-group, small-group and individual activities.
Our team
Rose-Marie Bucher, director with a passion for passing on knowledge and skills to young children, took over the Manège Enchanté in 2004.
Sandrine Curinga’s musical talent makes us dance, laugh and sing every morning.
To complete our team, we welcome a trainee every year, whose company is always appreciated by the children.

”Education is about understanding children as they are, without imposing on them the image of what we think they should be.
Jiddu Krishnamurti